Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The MaryAnn Marathon

If I could only write one sentence in this post it would be "I talked to MaryAnn today". That would not do justice to Chippy, who got his balloon-themed QOV today in second grade, much to the delight of the class. Nor would it encompass the hour I spent in the park reading, as the words seemed to get smaller and smaller. But it would describe the rest of my day. I met MaryAnn at the DHL lobby at 11. We talked for over an hour. Then we went to lunch at Figi's. I had the sashimi (tasted kinda like fish) and she got tempura shrimp. We stayed there so long, chatting, that I think our waitress had gone. I hope she gets the tip I left. Then we talked in my car. Around 6 we went back to the DHL, passing her husband along the way. So he followed us there. The three of us were in conversation, mostly about his blue Charger (sorry no pic), and then we called Chris to go eat at Greenstreet. So the four of us ate supper there. Finally it was almost 9 when they admitted they were tired and needed to go back to their room. So Chris and I headed home. I read through my e-mail, noting the Fermentation Festival this weekend near Itaewon. It is much more than beer, and I hope to find someone who would like to go along.
MaryAnn is moving to the states on Saturday. I will miss her a lot. My parting gift to her is to make her so sick of me that she won't miss me for at least several months.

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