Sunday, November 20, 2011

Chris arrives at church

I got up early this morning to have breakfast and take a bath before helping my parents get ready for church. Everything went well and we arrived early for church. She and I sat in a pew while my father went to warm up with the choir. I stepped out to take a pic of the quilt top in the case in hall. When I got back, Faye had arrived from teaching Sunday School. Chris arrived soon after, having spent the night at his parents house. I was happy to see him, having had a dream about him last night. We all sat with my mother during the service. Several of the church members had just returned from Haiti and spoke of their experiences there. After the service, there was a carry-in meal. We brought the pie that Mom and I made. While we were still eating, the pastor started the meeting. Chris and I finished our meal and left to take my quilt out of the frame. Sandy was there to help. It seemed sad to leave the frame empty, but I think my Mom's quilting days are over. We left for home, stopping at Kroger for a few groceries for supper. When we got in the house, we were alone and took advantage of that fact. It was nice not to have to be quiet because of people in an apt above or below. Then we fell asleep. Chris got up later to do laundry. When I got up, I went outside to read until my parents got home. They had gone to the mall to walk after the meeting.I helped Dad make a list of everything he wanted to get done. He collected the garbage and put it outside. Chris made supper for us all. Mom and Dad had their pizza and icecream, and Chris and I ate beef stew and broccoli. I made veggie juice. It was so much easier than at home because Faye's juicer is new. I discovered that the sprouts I bought earlier were rotten, so Chris and I went back to Kroger to return them. We were offered an exchange, so we picked out the one in the back. The ones in front did not look good. After we got back, Chris carried the large bag of leaves out to the curb. Then he read his e-mail, and I helped my mom sort through magazines for recycling. Dad helped me get my battery charger working, and he practiced his choir music for Tuesday. Then I put my mom to bed, and sat to write this post.

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