Monday, November 21, 2011

Sorting cards

I got cold during the night and had to put on more clothes. But then I slept well. I got up just as my parents were starting breakfast. We ate together. After breakfast Chris did two loads of laundry and my father asked me to sort piles of greeting cards lying around their bedroom. I went in there, assembled a pile and then found a book that my mom had written down childhood experiences. So I got a late start on the sorting process. There were a lot of cards not matched to envelops and I had to sort the cards by length to match them up. Mom had a file box for the cards, but some card defied catagorization, kinda like the books in the thrift shop book room. I worked on that until lunchtime. Then I made veggie juice and fed some to my mom. Dad wasn't quite ready with lunch so I went outside to sit in the sun and read. After lunch I read some more. Then Dad needed me to watch my mom so he and Chris could do computer stuff, so I took her outside. While she sat in the fresh air, I looked for something to do. I cut up the fallen branches, first with a pruning tool and then with a hand saw. Then I walked her down to the mailbox to get the mail. It was like winning the junkmail jackpot. So we went inside to sort it all and throw most of it into recycling. Then my father asked me to finish sorting the greeting cards. There went the afternoon. Chris made supper. I was feeling cramps in my back from sitting on the bed, sorting. After supper, I brought the file box out to double check everything that had already been filed. There went another couple hours. When Dad wanted to dress the bed with clean sheets, I had to move the boxes of cards. Then Dad took Mom to bed. I checked my e-mail, wrote to my blog, and now I am ready for bed.

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