Friday, November 18, 2011

Grocery shopping

Nothing special to report about breakfast. After breakfast, I did some hand-quilting. I thought we were going grocery shopping, but Dad started installing a toilet roll holder in the back bathroom. We had lunch a little late. I did not juice any veggies because we were all out. And it was almost 3 when we got in the car to go shopping. Right then Dad decided he had to check the mail. He took it out of the box, and carried it in the house. And then...nothing. Finally I had to call him with my cell phone to say we were still waiting in the car. When we got to the store, I took Mom in her wheelchair, leaving Dad with the cart and his computer-generated list. She and I picked up veggies for juicing, and found him still picking out apples. We made the rounds picking up a few things here and there. In one aisle, an old woman stopped in the cleaning section and picked up a can of Lysol. She started spraying her cart, and didn't stop. I had to leave when the fumes got too bad. I guess she couldn't smell them. It took us 2.5 hours to shop. I can't explain why it took him so long to get stuff. Anyway, when we got home, I carried the stuff in while he helped Mom. Then he put each thing away in its place, rearranging pre-existing stock. I made fresh veggie juice for all of us. Then he started preparing supper. There was no point in helping him, he had a process and any help I gave him would interrupt it, and he would have to stop and re-think it all. We sat down to eat at 8. After supper I did some more quilting. Dad went for a walk about 9:45. Mom decided she wanted to make a cheesecake. So we got out the recipe. She told me what to do and I did it. I found ants in the sugar. I let her cut up the cream cheese. I put it in the blender with the other ingredients. It was supposed to blend for 2 minutes, but after 1 the mixture started leaking out all over the motor. So it got poured early. I put it in the oven and cleaned up the mess and utensils. Dad came back about 10:30. We stayed up waiting for it to cool, and watching a musical show from the whitehouse. But now it is time for bed because yardsaling starts early in the morning.

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