Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thanksgiving and my Birthday party

This morning got off to a slow start. After breakfast, I started reading e-mail, and then my father asked me to reconcile his bank statement with his Giving Statement from the church. They did not match. It was kind of nice to do something mathematical. He was supposed to be compiling a grocery list, but kept trying to help me with the statement. There must have been something else we did, because we ate lunch late. William stopped by to get the TV in the livingroom working. After lunch, Dad had a doctor's appointment. I stayed home with Mom. Mostly I read e-mail. Mom wanted to watch a movie, so I tried a VHS tape in the VCR, but could not get it to play on the screen. I looked in back of the TV and saw it had no wires. But there were wires to a unit above that. I did not realize that that unit was a VCR also. So I tried the tape there. No luck. I traced the wires from the TV to the unit, and they led to something low. My gosh, it was a 3rd VCR. Then I had to figure out how to change the TV input to the VCR. It sounds simple but it wasn't. The remote wouldn't do it and I had to use the buttons on the TV. Anyway, the tape got damaged in one of the VCR's and Mom told me to get one out of the storage section of the TV cabinet. I grabbed the first one: it was labeled "Thanksgiving". The first part of it was recorded by my mother back in the 90's. It was at the Damour house. Mimi, James, Becca, Kelly, Mike, and Mabel were there. In one sequence, Michele dances with her new Samantha doll. I wish I could post it on Youtube, but she would probably never speak to me again. Maybe Facebook? Anyway, here is a pic, but the shadow ruins it. The shadow did not show on the tape, but can only be seen through the camera. Really weird. After Thanksgiving, there was a recording of my birthday party that year. I cannot tell how old I was. I think Kurt recorded it. It was all there, in great detail. It was like having the party all over again. It might be better to relive old birthdays than to celebrate new ones. I re-ran the tape to get a pic of Michele. Dad came home then. A piece of my camera came off and he helped me look for it, but we did not find it. It was time for supper and we never made it to the grocery store. As we ate supper, BBT came on, and I watched it in the living room. Then Dad turned it on in the den so I could sit in there where it is warm. There was nothing good on after that, so we turned it off. I got out the lone star quilt and worked on it as Dad worked on the grocery list. He brought me a container of sour cream for approval. It was dated last year and smelled riper than kimchi. He couldn't tell it was bad? Then he brought out another one dated for March. But it was unopened, and looked and smelled normal. Mom wanted to add to the list ingredients for a cheesecake. So he investigated the age of their cream cheese and Jiffy mix. Finally he finished the list and they went to bed, and soon I will, too.

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