Sunday, September 9, 2012

A sewing-at-home Saturday

Since Chris stayed up to play with the voices and I went to bed, I got up earlier and got started clearing e-mail. I got some sewing done, too. We went to Publix to get the weekly groceries and the ingredients to make mac-n-cheese for church tomorrow. Then I went back to sewing. I finished sewing on all the strips I had cut in the last few days. So I sewed the remaining strips together, but some of them weren't the full 2 inches wide, so I only got about 14 inches of usable strip set. But I subcut that into strips. I sewed two onto the side which made it the perfect width. Now when I sew onto the bottom, there are no leftovers to take off. Each strip ends where the next one needs to begin. Chris brought three baskets of laundry down and I worked on that as I sewed. Around 5 I got so tired of being indoors. I wanted to mow, but the grass was too wet. It rained off and on all day. So I got out the ladder and trimmed the low hanging branches of trees. I put the tools away, but left the clippings for Sunday when they will be dryer. I ate supper listening to Chris play with the voices. I did a bunch of Sudoku puzzles too. I am now in the #200's. He and I dressed the bed while he took a quick break from his game. Then I went to bed, trying not to hear his voices. Usually I wear my headphones and play the ipod, but it wasn't charged. I did some tapping and eventually fell asleep. I don't know when he came to bed.
* This is a volunteer plant. It's greenery reminds me of evergreens and its little red flowers are like miniature Christmas lights. *

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