Sunday, September 30, 2012

Walk Don't Run

We got up at 8:10, a little later than I intended.  We ate breakfast, checked e-mail, then I showered, dressed, and went to church.  I was only expecting 4 kids today, but I had enough for 8.  Two showed up.  They were pre-schoolers.  I reviewed the story of the Prodigal Son.  Then we made the windchimes.  One wet his pants (and the chair) so the shepherd took him to get changed, which left me with one.  But he was the most energetic child I have ever seen.  There was no keeping him in his chair.  He ran circles around the room.  I did manage to keep him in the room, though. As it turns out, he is the son of the lady in charge of Sunday School.  God bless her.  I was so glad when the bell rang.  I started cleaning up the craft stuff.  A man came up to me and started talking about his experiences in the Navy.  But there was a group of kids doing an activity in the fellowship hall near us, so I could barely hear him.  I did catch that yesterday was his 80th birthday.  When I got to finish cleaning up, I took my materials to the car, and went into the sanctuary. Chris joined me a little later.  After church, he went to the grocery store.  I talked to a few people, and then headed home.  I stopped at Bed Bath and Beyond with my 20% off coupon.  One of my quilting friends told me that they sell a teflon cooking mat that can be used for quilting.  I did not find that, but something related.  I also got another popsicle maker.  When I got home, Chris had already finished putting the groceries away.  I emptied the dishwasher and refilled it.  Then I ate lunch while reading e-mail.  I listened to an audio about spirituality and the brain.  I sewed a border on a stack and whack block and auditioned backing fabrics.  Chris put the sheets in the wash.  I threw in a few fabrics, too.  When they were done, I ironed the fabrics and laid them aside.  I came up for supper.  Later we watched a movie called "Walk Don't Run" starring Cary Grant.  When we came up, it was raining.  Chris looked up one of the characters who sounded so familiar - John Standing.  But I could not figure out where I have heard him before. 
*  Here is a version of the block I made for Deb while in progress  *

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