Thursday, September 13, 2012

Picking a rainbow

I opened my day with the usual audio, exercise, breakfast and e-mail. I put a long overdue Get Well card in the mail. It was so overdue that it should be called a Got Well card. While I was listening to the audio, a loud noise interrupted it. That was Charlie on his riding mower. I was still mad from yesterday and didn't want to be impolite, so I put the check on the railing where he could see it when he blew the leaves off the deck. I figured that way I wouldn't have to talk to him. But when he came up and blew off the deck, he went back down without the check. So I went out to make sure he got it. And boy did he get it. He asked me if I waited for him to come by yesterday and that's when the shi* hit the fan. He took it well, though. Promised to call me next time he'd be a day late. When I finished the audio, I played a video about an architect who makes houses from concrete and recyclables. His houses don't need to be hooked to the county water supply or electricity grid. But he got in all sorts of trouble over local ordinances. I had a big lunch to fortify me to go driving to a place I have never been before: C T Garvin Feed and Seed. Can't say I was impressed with the selection of vegetable plants. Mostly collards. From there I tried to go to Home Depot. It took a long time just to get out of the parking lot because they are the only thing on the fourth side of a traffic light. And if I didn't pull my car up just right, the light didn't know I was there. No wonder there were so many people lined up to get out of the lot. But Home Depot had the same paltry selection of veggies in spite of their massive selection of flowers. The manager didn't know when the next shipment would be in. So I bought a pair of hand clippers and some seed packets. I'll try a few seedlings. If we have a mild winter, I may get something. And even if not, I will have enough seed left for next spring. That way I won't make the mistake of buying seed at Publix again. Those cucumbers tasted funny and had thick skins. I was feeling tired, so I laid out in the sun for a bit, and then took a nap. Then I checked on the drill. It was only mildly charged. I drilled holes in about 12 tongue depressors, only cracking one of them. I decided to charge the other battery to see if it might do better. I hope to catch our neighbor home so I can use his drill press to put holes in the can lids. (A bunch of them were delivered to me last night at choir practice.) Since I was already in my sewing room, I pulled out my fruit and veggie fabrics to make a rainbow. The guild is having a jelly roll race on Saturday. Jelly roll race quilts don't impress me, but maybe if I use a rainbow of food, this one will. That is when I heard Chris come home. When I finished photographing the order of the fabrics, I came up to greet him. He invited me for a walk. So I put on walking shoes, and we walked around the neighborhood for half an hour. You wouldn't believe how many houses here have three-car garages. One had a two-car garage built in and another two-car garage in back. I won't mention our two-car garage and three-car carport. But their houses are much bigger. So maybe there are actually cars in their garages instead of 'stuff'. After we got back, I made myself a salad. Then we watched MASH for the rest of the evening, finishing season 9.
As I sit here downloading the pics of the day, I am reminded that I recently cleared all 600 pics from my camera memory so I could start fresh. Sadly they were downloaded to the desktop computer where Major Harddrive took a nosedive. (Can you tell we've just watched 8 seasons of MASH?)

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