Sunday, September 9, 2012

Outdoor Sunday

I began my day with e-mail and breakfast. I posted to my blog for yesterday and needed my camera. I found the camera outside on the patio table. I am lucky it did not rain. I wore shorts to church because we worshiped outside under two large canopies. It was Rally Day. Head of ed dept wore a yellow/tan suit and a headband with a banana cutout on it. The head of childrens Sunday School wore a bunch of purple balloons and a green stem hat. The theme was fruits of the spirit. We got there late but they didn't start on time. Other than that, it was a normal service. Afterwards, we ate a carry-in meal in the fellowship room. Then Jennifer showed me where to find craft supplies. Later Tamara showed me a few things Jennifer missed. I took home a basket of tongue depressors and old fashioned clothespins to see if they could work for my project. When we left, we did not need groceries, so we went directly home. I changed my top and checked e-mail, then took the mower for a spin. Several people have asked me why I mow the lawn when I pay Charlie to do it. I have stayed awake at night looking for good answers (justifications) to that question. A number of reasons came to mind, but it all boils down to the fact that I like mowing. So really the question is why pay Charlie? Well, we didn't have a mower when we hired him. And there is a part of the lawn that gets pinecones from the neighbors trees. My mower won't mow over them, and I don't want to prick my fingers picking them up. Charlie can whizz right through them. Plus he has a weedeater and I don't.
I stopped mowing long enough to talk to our neighbor who was spraying his weeds. He gave me a jar of hot peppers that he had pickled and they were really good. Maybe I should pickle mine. Chris cooked the steaks we were going to grill in the oven. He made mine rare. It was absolutely delicious. I ate enough steak that I didn't need a salad. I took the tree branches that were cut yesterday up to the street. Our neighbor says the city will take them away on Monday. When the leftovers were cool, we put them in the frig and went downstairs to watch MASH. We are in season 8 (I think) and Margaret is really doing up her hair. I sat with ice on my ankle to keep it from swelling. I am not expecting a problem, but a little insurance could go a long way.

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