Friday, September 28, 2012

The Sashing is done!

It was 8:30 or so when I finally got out of bed.  I read some e-mail, exercised, ate breakfast and read another chapter book.  This one was one of the Boxcar Children series.  In order to send out my new e-mail address, I went through my address book and clicked on each of the people I wanted to send it to.  I had to do that three times before Yahoo allowed it.  But then it would not send the message because there were too many recipients.  How is it that a hacker can send spam to everyone in my address book but I cannot send them all a change-of-address?  Well, it ought to come from the g-mail account anyway, right?  But after I copied it all over to G-Mail, it still wouldn't work.  So frustrating!  Turning my attention away, I watered my seedlings and other plants.  I picked some of the swiss chard and collard greens.  I juiced up some carrots, and used the juice to blend up the greens.  I poured the result in a popsicle maker.  It was only enough for one.  I had carrots left, but needed greens.  So I picked a bunch of edible weeds from the lawn.  I blended that up with more carrot juice and made enough to fill the second popsicle maker.  Then I spent more time than I wanted to cleaning up carrot bits and juice.  I froze the carrot pulp for a future carrot cake.  I laid out in the sun after lunch.  Then I checked e-mail again before going out to find yard work.  I decided to pull out the black-eyed susans since they looked so blighted.  After awhile, I noticed that my finger was abraided.  So I went in to wash my hands.  I decided to take a shower, too.  Then I finished the sashings on the stack and whack quilt, taking pics along the way.  Chris came home from work and started his Friday night game with the voices.  I ate supper and checked e-mail.  It occurred to me that I have an army e-mail account that I never use.  I only check it once every 5 months when the password expires.  I tried copying my change-of-address message over to it, and Bingo!  It had no trouble with the number of recipients.  Sent it out slick as spit.  I remembered Deb asking for a block from a drawing.  I called it up on my computer and then copied it in fabric.  Truthfully I probably needed a special ruler to get all the edges in perfect relationship.  Still, it came out ok.  But by then it was 11pm and time for bed.

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