Monday, September 3, 2012

What I won't do to use up someone else's scraps

I lingered in bed, no reason to get up early. Chris and I headed for the kitchen at the same time. He fixed coffee and oatmeal. I made my usual breakfast, and read e-mail. Later we loaded car with cardboard and beer bottles. I shook the roaches out. Some of the boxes were wet from the rain yesterday. We left those to dry since the recycling place doesn't want wet stuff. Chris drove to the recycle place. The bins were open to air and rain so who would know if it was wet when we dropped it off? When we got back, I went to my sewing room to finish the blue and gold quilt top. After getting the blocks together, I put a gold border around it. Then I started on the bargello project. I am not sure if it is an unfinished project or leftovers from a bigger project. There was enough fabric in the remaining strips to get at least one and in some cases 2 more strips. If nothing else, I can add 30 inches to what is there. With a little creative piecing maybe more. Chris came down to ask if I knew where any matches were. I searched high and low but did not find any matches or a lighter. So he went to the store. Sadly, even with a lighter he could not get the old grill working. So instead of grilled steaks, we had leftover pork for supper. After supper I worked some Sudoku puzzles (now in the 160's) while watching Stars Earn
Stripes. Dean Caine is still in the running. I sketched out my blog post for later. I went down to sew some more. Chris came down later to watch MASH. I can't remember who the season 8 writers are, but there is an awful lot of yelling in these episodes.

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