Tuesday, September 11, 2012

My Design Patio

Since we went to bed so early last night, I was awake in the middle of the night wondering about the brilliance of that decision. Still, when I did get back to sleep, I slept in until 7:15. Who-hoo! I started the first audio while checking the morning mail. I exercised and had breakfast. I cleared more e-mail when I started the second audio. And they were long ones. Have they no pity on those of us who have other things to do? I did not listen to all of them. I sent out a message to the church congregation asking for can lids. I did not sunbathe because the sun was having another 'now you see me, now you don't' day. But I did mow inside the fence in preparation for Charlie's arrival tomorrow. I also cut some of the tall yellow flowers to see if they will grow back shorter and bushier. I seriously considered going to Home Depot for veggie plants, but decided it might be a bit soon and all I would find are seeds. I juiced up brussel sprouts, carrots, celery and peppers to make another batch of vegetable popsicles. I brought my quilt top outside to audition a red piping with blue border. Sadly there was not enough of either the red or the blue from the audition for the project. So I searched for alternatives. I was also thinking of an inset using all the leftover squares from the quilt. So (or should I say SEW) I stitched all the leftover squares together in two long strips. I did the algebraic equation to see how much inner border I could put on before adding the strips of squares and not run out. The magic number was 19, which basically means I could add 9 inches of border all the way around and still have enough squares to border that. Then Chris came home. I fixed myself a salad and ate it while watching the news. I started my blog post for yesterday. Chris finished whatever he was doing, and went downstairs for MASH. So I followed. Now we are MASHed out and ready for bed.

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