Saturday, September 29, 2012

I like leftovers

We stayed in bed late.  Got up for breakfast and e-mail. I checked e-mail for three accounts. That gets interesting.  A friend e-mailed to say that I could kill the spider humanely by putting the box in the freezer.  I am not sure I would want a box of spider in my frig, but on the other hand, what a great diet aid it would be.  All of a sudden, I am just not that hungry. 
I watered my plants and sunbathed.  With a pitch fork, I spread out the compost pile.  It was our neighbors idea.  Chris ran the dishwasher and I ran down to see if it leaked.  It did.  I called Bob and he agreed to come over on Monday.  I sewed stack and whack leftovers to an audio.  I removed dry dishes from the dishwasher and left the wet ones to dry.  I practiced my trombone.  I had a salad for supper. I transferred wet clothes in washer to the dryer.  Then I sewed, making more octagons out of stack and whack leftovers.  I listened to Chris play with the voices.  I deleted addresses in my address book that bounced when I sent out my change of e-mail message.  One was from my brother William, so I called him to find out why.  He didn't know, but he did divulge that he broke his foot a week and a half ago.  See, no one tells me anything
in this family.  He is home from work on crutches for 4 to 6 weeks.  I read more e-mail, and investigated a new technique called Reflexercise.  Chris finished his game while I wrote a few notes for my blog.  Then I skyped Michele for a nice chat.  After I finished my blog, I went to bed.

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