Thursday, September 20, 2012

Stack and whack

The hardest part is always getting started.  Today was no exception.  I was having a strange dream which I can't remember now.  Bob had said he would come today to check out the leak, so I stayed by my phone.  I kept it by me as I exercised, ate breakfast, read e-mail and even sunbathed.  It was not with me as I took out the recycling, but Bob didn't call.  It laid on the counter as I pulled out the wind chimes the kids made last Sunday.  I carefully took each one apart, used a coping saw to put notches in the sticks, and retied the lids with three-strand embroidery floss.  After reassembling each one, I hung it up and placed a spot of glue on each string to hold it in its groove.  Perhaps now there will be no more tangled mess.  Still no Bob.  I spent some time sewing corners onto octagonal stack-n-whack blocks.  I came back up to check my phone.  At 3 I took a shower with the phone sitting on the countertop.  I e-mailed Chris to ask what he intended to wear to the picture-taking (for the church directory).  I was trying to decide what to wear when he came home from work early.  We decided on our outfits, and had some couple time.  Then Bob called to say he'd be right over.  He arrived a quarter to 5.  I was downstairs ironing my blouse.  Instead of perfecting my appearance for photos, I spent the time watching Bob look for leaks.  He ran the dishwasher, but it did not leak for him.  He looked outside.  Finally when Chris told me we had to leave in 5 minutes, Bob left.  Then I quickly put on my pantyhose and shoes, and we left.  We went to the church and signed in.  We were early.  We met the intern's family.  They had just had their photos taken.  Then it was our turn.  The man took several shots of us with different backgrounds, and then photographed us separately.  Then we went to another room where he showed us the photographs on a computer and we picked the one we wanted for the directory.  He did show us what he could sell us, probably his cheapest package.  But I thought it was too much.  If Michele had been in the picture with us, it might have been worth it.  When we got home, I just had time to make the HHQ guild meeting.  But I wasn't in the mood.  Instead I googled pictures of stack-n-whack quilts to see what I could do with 25 octagonal blocks.  When Chris was ready, we watched several episodes of NCIS. 

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