Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Monday Sept 10th

After exercise, breakfast, and e-mail, I labeled a box to mail to Maryann. I also fixed a manilla envelop of fabric squares for Andrea. I went to the post office. Since I seldom leave the house, I had to break inertia to get out. There was a line at the window, but I was out in 10 minutes. Then I stopped to shop on the way back. I wanted something I could put in a windchime for a Sunday school project that would 'ring'. Can lids work well, but how can I get enough quickly? My first stop was the $ store, but found nothing. Still, I did not come out empty handed. I checked out the rest of the shopping center since I hd never been there before. Then I went to Hobby Lobby. There was a lot more home decor stuff than their name would imply. Still nothing, but the saleslady suggested canning jar lids. So I went to Target next since it was in the same shopping center. I was getting a headache but I was on a mission. I searched everywhere. I even looked for a couple of other things, but found none of them. However, on the way out I saw an endcap with canning supplies on sale. Score one for me! It isn't enough for all of the kids, but it will get me through the first Sunday. I went home, had lunch and a nap. The headache was still with me, so I went outside to sunbathe and do some raking. I was pleased to see the the branch pile had indeed been picked up - with minimal scarring to the grass. The headache persisted. Chris brought me supper. Then we watched a Netflix movie called Wild Target. Chris found it very funny. I must have missed the British humor. When it ended, we were prepared to go to bed, but then I noticed it was only 8:30. I had a headache and Chris offered me a massage to see if that would help. It was very relaxing and I fell asleep but still couldn't quite shake the headache.
* pic from Padukah *

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