Saturday, September 15, 2012

The jelly roll race

I got up by 8 to get ready for this sewing Saturday. I fixed breakfast, read e-mail, showered, and packed a lunch. Then I went downstairs to pack up my sewing stuff, inadvertently leaving my lunch in my sewing room. As I drove over to UAH, I noticed the ramp to 565 was closed. Then I remembered that the Trail of Tears was being closed for the motorcycle riders coming through town. But I arrived at my destination without incident. Although I was almost hour late, I was not the last to arrive. We squeezed quite a bunch of us in one room. I had my strip ready. One spiral seam and it would be finished. Well, it took me over two hours to sew it. I got off to a slow start. First I sewed one round and discovered that I was sewing the right side to the wrong side. I took it out and started again. Now that problem was fixed, but after the first round, I was sewing three layers together instead of two. But there was far less to unpick. The ladies were eating lunch when I finally finished. Cass gave me some of her strawberries and celery. Thanks, Cass. I pressed the seams on my colorful tube. Then I laid it out as flat as I could, and cut it down one side with a pair of scissors. Success! I brought some cherries on black for a border and everyone liked it. Deb suggested I cut the top in three sections and add a black cherry sashing. I wanted to trim it better before I did any borders so I stopped there. Rebecca had two blocks that were out of order so I fixed those for her. Then Deb gave me her stack-n-shack project because she was so frustrated with it. I packed up to go home early. On the way I stopped at a thrift shop. I did not find a green bathroom rug, but I found four rugged placemats of the right color for $2. I can make a rug out of them. When I got home, I raided the frig. I watered my plants, and picked two tomatoes. I did not see the man next door (he has a drill press) so I got a hammer and a nail to punch holes in all the lids that I got Wednesday night. There were not as many as I thought. I gathered up all the stuff I could think of that I might need, and put it in my car for tomorrow, including my choir music. I also packed my flute and a copy of Blue Danube in case we had time left over and needed more to do. Chris started playing with the voices. I ate supper and did some Sudoku puzzles. Then I went down to trim my quilt. I was dismayed to find that the bottom of the tube came out three inches shorter than the top. So it is 47 inches wide instead of 50. Then I turned to Deb's stack-n-whack. She had a lot of starch in it and the points wouldn't match easily. So I rinsed the strips in the washbowl, thinking it would remove all the starch. Then I tried to pin the wet pieces together and iron them to match. But it was too awkward. So I ironed one piece dry. Then I pinned the next wet piece to it, matching images, and ironed it dry. I removed it and did the next one. Hopefully now I have 8 exactly matching strips. I listened to two audios while doing this. Now it is time for bed, and it sounds like Chris is finished with the voices.

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