Monday, December 17, 2012

A Christmas postcard

When I got up this morning, it still hurt to put weight on my foot. I iced my ankle while reading e-mail and having breakfast. Around 11 I put on my highwedge shoes, and placed my half-crocheted scarf in a bag. I was able to walk to the car and drove to Monday morning quilting. I wouldn't have made such an effort to go, but I had promised Dinah I would be there because she had some instructions and a picture to give me. It was a good decision. She also gave me a set of scissors. Rebecca gave me a fabric postcard, Doris was handing out seam rippers, and another lady gave out 2-year planners. I gave Dinah the blue and white ornament because she had made the bag that I was given at the party. I used the icepack I brought to keep the swelling down. As ladies arrived, they were greeted by name and I tried to memorize them. As I was crocheting, I kept looking around the room and saying the names to myself. A couple of ladies arrived before I did and I never caught their names, but still, if there had been a quiz, I would have at least passed. Now the question is, will I remember them in two weeks when I go back? It was almost three when I returned. I checked my e-mail. I plugged in the paraffin bath to see if it would heat any more quickly now that the wax was filling all the crevices. I picked some greens and made a salad. When Chris came home I was outside listening to my laptop and connecting with the earth. It was too wet to rake since it had rained for more than 24 hours. My ankle was feeling much better. Chris checked the garage and there was water. I took a pic of it, then called Bob, who said he would come over tomorrow. Chris cooked up organic ground beef with some of his mother's canned tomatoes for supper. After supper I tried to call Linda, but was told she wasn't available. I finished the two-toned blue scarf and started on a hat to match. I e-mailed myself two mp3's so I could download them onto my new tablet. There doesn't seem to be a port for that. I listened to it while working on the hat. Then we watched 'Sharpe's Honor' downstairs. I knew I had seen the main actress before. Chris typed her name into IMDB and she was the Borg Queen in several Star Trek movies. Chris showed me his rash again and it is looking better. * I took the picture in the mirror so you could see both sides of it. The Christmas print is really pretty, but she said she bought all they had, much to the disappointment of the other ladies. *

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