Thursday, December 6, 2012

Facing Charlie Brown

The detox bath did not go well last night. I filled the tub from the shower because that is where the filter is. Even though the shower water was hot, the water in the tub was only lukewarm. I soaked in it for awhile, but it got cold so I cut the soak short. I must have gotten to bed early because I woke up early. I got dressed to take the recyclables out. Then I listened to an audio while checking e-mail. I forgot to exercise beyond a few backward pushups. Breakfast was around 9. After breakfast I juiced up celery, green beans and mung sprouts to make veggie pops. Juicing mung sprouts was a waste of time. Most of the sprout went into the pile of solids. I picked them out and ate them. The green beans were probably a waste of juicing too. I went into my sewing room to finish the second green dress. I did not have enough bias binding, so I cut strips off of the green solid and sewed them to either end so that the bias part was in the middle, to go around the arm hole. I did that for both arms. I heard someone at the door, but when I checked, no one was there and no package had been left. The weather was warm, so I raked leaves in my bare feet. I was interrupted by the UPS man delivering a box. It was a one gallon jug of organic sesame oil. Who-hoo! When I finished my hour of raking, I went back to sewing. I sewed felt hair on 11 Lucy's. I had to turn the handwheel manually because the felt wouldn't slide nicely under the foot. Then I sewed on all the ornament tops. That was a little easier. After a bite for supper, I called up the next audio - another dental one - and started the tedious process of embroidering Charlie faces by hand. I was lucky to find black embroidery floss among my craft supplies. I wrote to the lady who originated this project to find out what the back of the ornament should look like. She e-mailed me a pic. Chris called about 8:30. He plans to go to bed early and fly home in the morning. I want to try the detox bath again, this time boiling some of the water to raise the temp. Then it will be bedtime for me, too.

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