Saturday, December 8, 2012

Finally finished Lucy

I got up at 7:30. I started reading e-mail and listening to one of the latest audios. When I saw that Michele had texted me on skype, I called her. She wanted me to know that she had sent me her Christmas list. We had a nice chat until nature called. I resumed my audio and I found some intervals to exercise in. I finally fixed breakfast and ate it. Then I cleaned up in the dining room, bedroom and kitchen. I found more coconut flakes. I am wondering if they are on the ceiling, falling during the night, to appear on the countertops I just cleaned. I folded my laundry and put it away. I had to reorganize my pants drawer to make room. I practiced my trombone. I finished the Charlie faces, and agonized over how to reliably draw Lucy faces. I'll bet either Michele or Steven could it easily. I googled how to draw Lucy but it didn't help. From two to three, I raked leaves and pinestraw, and then pick up sticks to add to the stick pile. Chris came home just as I finished and stopped to pick some green leaves for lunch. I made a salad as Chris checked the mail and brought in his suitcase. He fixed himself a burrito and read e-mail. I read e-mail too, for awhile, and then there was a thump at the door. Chris opened it and the UPS man handed him a package with my name on it. It was from Kurt. I opened it to find a black handheld device. Chris said it was a computer. I googled it to find out what it was for. It is like an ipod. I plugged it in to charge up. Chris was tired from his trip so he went to bed early, like before 5. So I went with him, but got up about 8. I finished the audio that I was listening to when raking leaves. Kurt Skyped me to see how I liked my new handheld device. It was charged up, so I investigated it while Kurt watched. It was easy to get it on the net. Then it insisted that I open a Samsung account. It had a icon on the touchscreen for Youtube, which brought up videos. But I couldn't find a search bar where I could call up any particular video. Kurt wanted to be sure I could use it to listen to my audios. So I tried it. The first one didn't work, but the second one did. Then he signed off, asking me to let him know tomorrow how it worked out. I put it back on the charger for tomorrow. I called up the latest dental audio while embroidering Lucy's face over and over. This is what I learned: a cavitation is a threat to the immune system. It can be invisible to the naked eye. If not for poor nutrition, there would not be enough business for dentists. Poor nutrition will cause cavities in spite of good oral care. Dental work can affect the structure of the skull and spine. People have recovered from seemingly unrelated illnesses after having root canal teeth removed. When I finished the Lucy faces, it was time to blog and go to bed.

1 comment:

Steve Finnell said...

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