Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Ok, so I haven't posted any Christmas pics yet. But I will, when I get a chance to download them from my camera. Here is what kept me so busy today.
We stayed in bed until we heard voices in the kitchen. I got up to greet my mom, my dad and my brother Kurt. I don't remember the subject of conversation. Breakfast started late, but it never ended. I remember posting to my blog for yesterday and talking to Kurt again just before he left to have lunch with Patrick. I dipped Mom's hand in the paraffin, and covered it with a liner and a mitt. I sat her back at the table while I fed her broccoli and carrots. Her swallowing was not going well today so eating was a very slow process and it went most of the day. Occasionally I would take a few minutes for e-mail between her bites. I did a lot of tapping for what I imagine she must be feeling; struggling to breathe and swallow without choking. If it helped, I did not see evidence of it today.
Kevin came over to clean. We got out of the kitchen so as not to be in his way. In addition to the regular cleaning, he cleaned the front of the AC window unit. It was covered in black mold or mildew. I did not envy him that job. Chris pulled a bunch of leftovers out of the frig to warm up for supper. He was willing to make something new, but there was no place to put any leftovers afterwards. So we ate leftovers today and we'll have fresh supper tomorrow. After supper I cleared the table and dipped Mom's hand again. I darned one of Dad's socks, re-attached some chairpad ties, and fixed a few button holes on his shirtsleeves. At 10 I took Mom to the back to start the bedtime routine. When I put her bedtime splint on, I noticed that her fingers were less clenched:) After she was in bed, I prepared a pair of Dad's pants for re-hemming. I put some hydrogen peroxide on one of my fingernails because the flesh beside the nailbed is swollen.
* A Christmas wallhanging at the guild *

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