Thursday, December 27, 2012

I committed a neatness

Ok, so still no Christmas pics. Sue me. I don't have to turn over a new leaf until 2013.
I was sore this morning and I remembered that I was watching Kurt do his exercises yesterday morning. Somehow we agreed that I should walk on his back. So I did. Then we both tried doing bridge-ups. He came really close. I couldn't get my shoulders off the floor, but he pulled me up and I tried to hold the position. I guess that's why my arms are sore today.
I got Mom through her breakfast, but it took a long time because she was not swallowing well. Then I ate my breakfast. She had a major oops and it took us a long time to clean her up, but she got an unscheduled bath out of it. Then I dipped both of her hands in paraffin and put the mitts on. Dad started eating lunch then, so I fed her carrots and celery, and a sandwich, and pineapple casserole, and kimchi and raw cheese and an apple. Then while she sat in the den, I hemmed Dad's pants on the sewing machine and fixed some buttonholes (or was that last night?)
Chris went shopping for supper and came home with a large ham. He cooked it along with sweet potatoes and asparagus. We also had pie, cookies and Faye's cake.
Kurt Skyped us with his new laptop. The video was good, but the sound was not quite clear.
Mom wanted to wear the headphones but they didn't work. I called William but he was busy, so called Faye who told me to read the instructions. I hadn't seen them sitting there, but when I did, there was a diagram showing a jack that was almost invisible in the back of the unit. I plugged it in and then they worked. I read e-mail for awhile then I got the idea that the headphones would work with my computer. So I hooked them up (Mom was done with them) and listened to one of my audios while fixing all the chair pads in the diningroom. Maybe they are the solution to the problem Kurt thinks I have. Then again, there are plenty of points of static in this house that interfere with reception.
I started cleaning up the books, magazines and other 'stuff' under the table by Mom's chair in the den. A lot of it went into recycling, but what she wanted to keep went into a box to keep it all together. After I put her to bed, I vacuumed up the dead leaves and other debris. I can't believe how much better it looks. Dad started the dishwasher and then he went to bed. Guess it is that time already.
* this pic is from the guild show-and-tell *

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