Sunday, December 9, 2012

Turning them in

I was late getting ready for Sunday school. But it didn't matter because there was no sunday school. Instead the kids were practicing for the play next week. I turned in the dresses and the ornaments to the director of the play. I pulled out three kids to get their painted handprints on fabric squares. I helped Jennifer bag up her daughter's project to take home. None of the other kids took their project so next week, it all goes in the trash I guess. The choir ran through our piece twice before the service. Chris joined me in church. After church we went to the grocery store. We put the food away when we got home. We ate lunch and read our e-mail. I tried a tip I heard in one of the dental interviews: I brushed baking soda over my teeth, and then swished with apple cider vinegar. It was a real mouthful. But my teeth felt really clean after that. I did a lot of internet searching to find Christmas gifts and order them. I spent an hour outside, ripping out tomato vines, and other dead stuff. Then I took my tablet out to see if I could read it there. There was some glare but the screen was readable, and I didn't need to find the cursor because my finger is the cursor on the touchscreen. Chris was making organic ground beef for supper when I came in. I worked on my Christmas giving list again. After supper, it hit me that I needed food for a noon party tomorrow. I scrambled to make a batch of sugarless fudge. We did not have the exact ingredients called for, so I improvised. Chris lent a hand when mine were all fudgy. When it was done, I put it on a plate, and into the frig to cool. Then we went down to watch several episodes of Get Smart. I was surprised to see Leonard Nimoy in one episode. He wore large dark glasses, but when I heard him speak, I knew it was him.

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