Sunday, December 2, 2012

Sewing Saturday

Since I already had my project picked out for today, I assumed I'd get to the meeting place on time, or at least earlier than usual. But I did not. First I had to post for Friday, then skim my e-mail for anything important or relevant to today's sewing session. I packed a lunch and everything I might need for my project and extra stuff in case I finished early. I drove to UAH and met the others in room 204. I did not get much done at first because I was walking around talking to the other ladies. Deb brought some quilting books from the library so I looked at those, too. Then we broke for lunch. Finally I got out my Christmas tablerunner and did some math to figure out how to make a two-color binding. I decided it was easier to cut the red at one inch and the green at 2 inches than to cut to the 7/8ths mark. When it was nearly 4 I packed up to drive home before it was completely dark. I stopped on the way at the Asian market to get bean sprouts. Their bean sprouts are MUCH nicer and MUCH cheaper than at the grocery store. And the package is bigger. When I got home, Chris was on his computer. I ate some supper and watched a long video on my laptop. It was about debunking everything said on a show called Ancient Aliens. But I hadn't finished my ironing, so I took my laptop downstairs to listen while I ironed. When I was finished, I brought the laptop up. The audio was not finished, but I had heard enough and Chris was ready to watch TV. So we did. Get Smart. Really old cars.

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