Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Too tempting

I went to bed late so it was after 8 when I awoke. I followed my normal morning routine. After breakfast I vaccuumed in the bedroom. While listening to audio I found myself writing a few Christmas cards. I wrote up the plans for the next block-of-the-month. I wrapped a scissors set for the party tonight. I re-did some of the ties on the ornament to make it more even. Chris called around noon to say hello. I raked leaves inside the fence for an hour, hoping the rain would hold off, and it did. I cleaned up coconut in the kitchen. I thought it was cleaned up, but I keep seeing more. The problem with eating really healthy food is that the bugs are eating whatever gets spilled, too. I don't know if healthy bugs are a good thing. I finished one green dress and hemmed the other one, hoping more green bias tape will show up in my box at church. I had a bite to eat, took a shower and headed for UAH. I brought the ornament, wrapped scissors, and Christmas tablerunner. When I got there, they had a table of food. I did not remember to bring food. After the usual business stuff, we had a dirty Santa exchange. My gift was one of the first opened. The ornament was the most elaborate one there and the package was wrapped in fabric. It was cool to see what other people got. Mostly fabric. I got a piece of blue fabric with circuit boards on it and a piece of green with line drawings of flowers. I thought it might go with the little dresses, but it didn't. Deb took the blue fabric and gave me the ornament that came with hers - it looked like a ringbearers pillow. Seriously. Deb really wanted me to taste one of her apple cider cookies. She said I could throw the rest away, but I knew I would eat the whole thing. But I suffered no ill effects. When I got home, it was raining. I started another ornament, this time in blue, just because I always do better the second time. I watched two episodes of Castle. Now its almost midnight, again. I thought I would have more time to myself with Chris gone, but where does the time go?

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