Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve

We were awakened early by a loud radio in the kitchen. I thought Dad had turned it on, but it turned itself off an hour later in the middle of a song. We went back to sleep until Dad brought Mom out to the kitchen for pills and breakfast. I gave Mom her pills while Dad fixed her a bowl of shredded wheat. The kitchen table was so full we ate in the diningroom. Then I made my own breakfast. Dad decided to walk to a couple of stores to get last minute gifts. It took him awhile to leave and he was gone for hours. William stopped by to put up the tree and chat. I worked on two jello recipes simultaneously - strawberry sandwich salad and cranberry cream salad. Dad wanted to use up the sour cream and bananas. Mom watched the whole thing. Chris then went to the grocery store for food for tomorrow. I wrapped a few more presents. Dad came back and put clothes and bedding in the washing machine. He fixed himself snacks, thinking the rest of us had eaten lunch. Chris made chili when he got back from the store. We ate the chili for supper along with rice, broccoli salad, and buns. Mom had a very hard time swallowing and did not eat much. Then I dressed Mom for Christmas Eve service and brushed her hair. While Chris get her into our car, I got myself ready. Dad and Kurt took one of the K cars to church because the wheelchair was in the back. We arrived as the pre-service music was in progress: a harpist who played beautifully. The service was mostly hymns and readings. Then we all lit our candles and sang Silent Night. After the service, Bobby, Ken and I played 5 hymns as a brass ensemble. Then Chris and I took Mom home while Dad and Kurt came in the other car. After we got Mom inside the house, she was hungry so I fed her grapes and strawberry salad. She had no trouble swallowing. Kurt wanted to see the tablet he had bought me. He and Patrick took it with them to go looking at Christmas lights. It is almost midnight and they have not returned. After I put Mom to bed, Chris and I read e-mail while Dad did whatever it is Dad does before he goes to bed. And now it is our turn to go to bed. * This is a pic of quilted gingerbread houses at the meeting. *

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