Friday, May 31, 2013

A day for sewing

Thursday morning I was unable to get up as early as Mom and Dad did. When I awoke, they were already at the table. Mom was not eating well. I thought she might be saving her appetite for Ladies Night Out. Chris did laundry and I patched pants. I read to Mom for a bit. Chris made the Thai Curry from Dr. Joel Furman's book. I helped him by juicing the carrots. It was not easy since the on/off switch did not work. Fortunately it was stuck in the 'on' position or there would have been no juicing. And it did not want to come apart for cleaning afterwards. When supper was done, I was working on patching the knee of Dad's pants. The only way to get it under the machine was to open the inner leg seam. When I had finished multiple rows of stitching, I realized that the other side of the seam got caught in the patch so I had to rip out half of the stitching. Faye came over to get Mom for Ladies Night Out. After she left, Dad and Chris and I each ate a bowl of the curry. I thought it was good. It was also filling. Chris had boiled some cobs of corn to go with it, but I was too full to eat one. After supper I finished the patch, repaired a pair of Mom's pants, and shortened another for her and one for him. Just as I finished, the ladies came home from eating out. I got to hear all about it. Faye brought Mom's meal home in a box, uneaten. But Mom seemed to find her appetite then and I was hoping Faye and Peggy would leave so I could concentrate on feeding her. But they didn't. I tried hinting, but was apparently too subtle. It got late, But Faye had to work in the morning and left before midnight. I fed Mom and put her to bed. It was quarter to 1 when I got to bed, even without blogging.
* quilt pic from Paducah *

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