Sunday, May 19, 2013

The Quilt that went to church

The alarm went off at 7:15. I was in no mood to get up. But I did, eventually. I fixed breakfast and read e-mail. I took a shower and dressed in red. I wondered why we don't have a Sunday for dressing in blue, or yellow, or green. How about Rainbow Sunday? How cool would that be? Ok, so I gathered my purse and quilt. When I got to my car I had to run back for my choir folder. Today being the last day the choir sings 'till after summer meant that we had to sing at both services. I arrived a few minutes before the target time of 8:45. I needn't have rushed. By the time our part near the end of the service arrived, it was after 9. We sang a long amen. Then filed out as the last hymn played. I went to the car to get the quilt. I laid it on a table in the fellowship hall. I also brought in a dish of dates for the kids party. I helped Shannon blow up balloons. A few people saw the quilt and commented positively. Tamara told Pastor and he asked me to bring it up during the service to show to the congregation. While the kids were playing, I cleaned out the craft room. I separated what I bought from what came from the craft closet. I put things like glue, scissors, markers, etc back where they belong. The rest went in my car. I sat in the sanctuary for a quick rehearsal before the late service. Then I got my quilt and folded it into the pew with me. After the announcements, the pastor asked that all the Sunday school helpers come up front. He said a few words and a prayer. He and Shannon held up the quilt (because they are taller than me). Then special gifts were given to Tamara and Shannon for heading up Sunday School. Later in the service they recognized graduates. Only one was in attendance. After the service, I spoke to Linda who donated the backing fabric. She and several others also made positive comments about the quilt. I stopped by the fellowship hall to pick up the bag with Michele's name on it. When I got home, I was hungry. I changed clothes and then Chris and I went to Publix for groceries. After we put the food away, I put away the items I brought home from Sunday School. Then I mowed part of the front lawn and part of the back. I was worried about critters getting into my fabric, so I cut up a really tough box to make faux ceiling tiles. I filled in the gaps left by missing tiles so the animals won't have a way to get in. Then it was supper time. I read e-mail and watched a video online. I was also playing solitaire and for some reason the touchpad quit working. When the video was over, I restarted the computer. I started listening to a CD that Jennifer is lending me. When Chris was ready, we went down to watch Bones. Then we went to bed.

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