Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The solution to all of our problems?

I guess it was about 8 when I woke up to see that it wasn't raining. I read e-mail for awhile, then exercised. That is when a truck drove into our driveway, but no one got out. So I waited. Another truck joined it about 15 minutes later. It was Bob's son-in-law, the one who just finished his post-graduate exams in engineering. The first truck must have been Colby's vehicle. He is Bob's late teen helper. They set up a laser level in the side yard. I continued to read e-mail as if I wasn't watching them, as if my life was so fascinating that I had no interest in 2 men installing a trench to catch surface water drainage before it seeped into my basement. They seemed to take a lot of readings for two people whose job was to dig a ditch. After breakfast, I got out the lawn mower and mowed about half of the front lawn before it ran down. When they drove away for lunch, I took a pic of the ditch. Bob had marked where the ditch should start, but they hadn't started there. Bob was nowhere to be seen. Later I went out to do yardwork. I was pulling weeds near Darren's truck. When he and Colby finished the ditch and were ready to leave, he spoke to me. I mentioned Bob's marker, and Darren told me Bob hadn't said anything. I showed Darren the spots in the basement where water was seen. Darren said if the ditch worked, he would come back to clean it up a bit and reseed it. Then, amazingly, there was a sudden downpour. We checked the spouts to see if water was coming out - it was. We grabbed Bob's blankets which were drying on the fence. They took them and left. The downpour did not last long. I went outside to take pics of the ditch. It wasn't what I expected. Bob mentioned a machine, but this ditch was dug with shovels. And it had more than two ends. I don't see how I am going to mow this after it is reseeded. Perplexed, I returned to my normal activities. I put on another audio, unloaded the dishwasher, had some lunch. I did four tapping videos. I went out later to plant the largest seedlings from my planter box. Chris came home as I was watering the newly planted. He fixed himself supper. I took a shower and started another audio. Then I left for choir practice. The ladies came early to practice with the kids. Then the men showed up at 7. We practiced one song for the Sunday after Mother's Day, which is the last choir day. Jennifer told us that next Wednesday we should bring treats for a choir party. On the way home, I stopped at the dollar store to find some peel-n-stick paper for the next round of binoculars. They did not have any that kids would like. I got home around 8. Chris and I watched several episodes of Bones. I checked the corners of the basement to make sure they were still dry. He went to bed, but I stayed up to blog.

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