Sunday, May 12, 2013

Class notes (and alternate version of quilt)

Because there was nowhere I needed to go, we stayed in bed late, or later than usual. I still had time to read some e-mail, exercise and eat breakfast by 11. It rained in the morning and part of the afternoon. I went out to see if water was flowing through the ditch, and it was. It let out onto the grass, flowed to the end of the fence, and then took a right turn down the slope of the back yard. I spent hours looking through quilting designs to find one that looks like the flower of life symbol. The sun came out later and I raked leaves under the magnolia tree. The grass wasn't dry, but it had achieved a certain level of not-so-wet, so I mowed under the tree and finished out that side of the yard. I mowed the ditch in the front of the house and then started on the three feet of backyard that actually belongs to the next door neighbor, but it is outside his fence. When the battery ran down, I gave up. I opened the garage doors and swept out the water that collected at the front. I disassembled the Vax that Bob used so it would dry out. I moved the towels that were drying on the fence To positions in the carport. Since it seems to rain a bit every day, they never quite got dry. I moved my rug inside the garage. It seemed dry, but I am going to give it another day. I checked on my planted seedlings. The broccoli ones look the best. The others aren't showing much change in size. I traced around my hand and wrote the fruits of the spirit in the fingers and on the palm. I want to put it on a quilt block, but it just doesn't look quite right. Chris gamed with the voices. I listened for awhile, chatted with Michele on Skype about how to make the words fit my hand, then spent an hour or more writing up the notes for my upcoming class. It still needs diagrams, but at least I have something I can print out for the class. The rest of the evening was spent trying a new self help technique called Matrix Reimprinting. When I finished, Chris was done too and we went to bed.

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