Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Sunny day

It was after 9 when I got up. I did not feel like getting up, but life must go on. The morning held nothing unusual. After breakfast at 11, I searched the internet for reasonably priced hammocks. Then I put on my bathing suit and laid in the sun before doing a bit of yard work. I weeded an iris bed. It is tough to dig the weeds out when the irises are so shallowly rooted. Then I worked on the Fruits of the Spirit quilt. I noted a bad smell in the corner of the basement where the water comes in. I opened the garage door to get air and heat in, hoping the smell would diminish. I finished stitching around the letters. I put on the borders of the panel, and trimmed the hand squares. I sewed together all the ones I could, leaving out the two that have nothing on them. Chris came home. I came upstairs to check e-mail and take a shower. I loaded a bowl with dates to take to choir practice. I watered plants just before I left. At church I saw that other people put their food on a table in the fellowship hall, so I did too. We practiced two songs for Sunday and she told us we had to come early to sing one of them at the end of the 8:30 service. I am not happy about that. After the short practice, we gathered for our end-of-the-choir year party. There was fruit, cookies, brownies, ice cream, and assorted non-diet food. I had some grapes, a date, and a small cheese. One man brought brownies made with Jack Daniels. I took one home for Chris. He and I watched several episodes of Bones before going to bed.
* These are Rebecca's paper-pieced blocks from last night *

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