Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Sometimes you just have to suck it up.

I woke up at 6:30. I know that because I looked at the clock and couldn't believe it was that early. So I went back to bed for an hour. I read a bit of e-mail, putting off the inevitable first sight of my underwater basement. Around 8 I went down to survey the damage. It was no worse than when we went to bed last night. I actually remember asking for that outcome. I called Sharon to tell her that she didn't have to come over, and I could handle it myself. She insisted. So I started the water sweeper and left the garage door open so she could come in. She brought her own water vac and started in the corner while I was clearing the closet. Sadly, it turned out that the water was still coming in, albeit very slowly. I swept up all the water in the garage, and some of it, too, came back. She left around 10 to get ready for an appointment. But before she left, she said we could take $200 off of next month's rent. I went one more round with the vac, and then put towels in the spots most likely to accumulate water. I fixed and ate breakfast, then called my favorite soil scientist to get his opinion on our water problems. He recommended first checking the spouts to see if they have the proper grade, then building a diversion terrace. I tried talking to Mom, but could not hear her say anything. As it was a sunny day, I left the garage doors open to dry out the floor. I thought about running the mower, but the day after a good rain is the best time to pull weeds, so that's what I did all afternoon. Did not mean to, but there were so many weeds, and so little time. It looked like rain, so I went inside. I felt funny, so I rested in the recliner and drank water. I thought I heard Chris come home, but he never came in so I went out. His car was still gone. I picked a few leaves of swiss chard and collard greens and ate them. I sat on the brick wall to examine my seedlings when Chris showed up. He examined his seedlings and we both went inside. We ate supper and read some e-mail. Then we watched several episodes of Bones and went to bed.
* This quilt was at the Paducah show *

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