Monday, May 6, 2013

Didn't know our house came with a pool

It was as rainy a morning as it had been all night. I checked the basement for water, but found none. I did not feel like exercising. I put two Mother's Day cards in the mail and walked around the side of the house with my umbrella, looking for water flow. I checked the basement again, and this time found a small puddle of water in the corner. I called Bob to tell him that water was coming in and that now was a good time to see the conditions under which it happens. He came right over and had towels with him. Apparently he had been expecting my call. We piled the towels in the most likely spots. He also brought a quilted mover's blanket, which I place by the dryer. He walked around the outside of the house, taking mental notes and making decisions on the best action to take. Then he went back to his previous job. Thinking that we had the water situation covered, I ate breakfast and headed to the church for a day of quilting. I worked on the Linus quilt that I started yesterday. There were more ladies there than I expected, considering how hard it was raining. Because it was the first Monday of the month, Bertha brought a cake for the ladies with May birthdays. It was a very nice cake, covered in large strawberries and kiwi slices. I ate one strawberry. Most of the ladies packed up by 3. Mirna came about then, so I stayed later. We closed the place down around 4. When I returned home, I did not expect what I saw. The basement was flooded. Every towel and the blanket were soaked. Even the garage was wet. I called Bob. He said he was busy and would get back to me. I started up the Bissell and suctioned gallon after gallon of water. After what seemed like hours, I realized that the water was coming in as fast as I was getting it out. Chris helped for a bit, vacuuming up water as I moved boxes and other stuff out of the way. Then I took over again. Finally I called the property manager (Sharon) to tell I was at my wits end about what to do. She and Bob came over with more towels and blankets. The rain had stopped. All three of us worked at getting water out. We all wondered about the water being clear. If it was coming through the ground, wouldn't it be muddy? They got to hear the critters crawling around between the floors. Bob and I tried out the shop vac left in the garage. It did not seem to be very easy to use. Finally I suggested that we put the remaining boxes up on PVC pipes, and call it a night. There was no end to the water coming in. I estimated at least 10 gallons an hour. Sharon promised to come back in the morning to help clean. After they left, Chris and I swam to the TV to watch an episode of Bones before going to bed.
* Another pic from the APQS show in Paducah *

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