Sunday, May 5, 2013

Rainy Sunday, but quilting helps

I woke up about 7:30, and my phone alarm was scheduled for 8. I tried to go back to sleep, but it just wasn't meant to be. I started the breakfast process, read some e-mail, took a shower and got dressed. This time I remembered to wear earrings. One ear had closed up already and I had to poke through it. I readied my sewing box for the afternoon. I arrived at church a little early. After the opening, the kids followed me back to the craft room. There were five of them so I was one pair of toilet paper tubes short. No big deal since I have a bag of paper towel tubes, which I cut down for the fifth person. Last week I had to make the project for the little kids. These kids were older, but we had problems anyway. The shiny paper doesn't stick well to tape. The glitter strips did not stick well either. Shannon was there to help, but we still went over time trying to get all the binoculars finished. The story lady didn't mind since her piece wasn't going to take the full 20 minutes anyway. Shannon and Tamara both agreed that next week's kids would like this same project. That is a load off of my mind. All I have to do is replace the materials used in prep for next week. Maybe I'll skip the shiny paper. Tamara stayed to talk to me while I cleaned the table. When I heard the choir practicing, I ran out with my choir folder. I came back to get the Awakening Prologue for Jennifer. Then I cleaned up some more, putting stuff out of sight because I think somebody is playing with the stuff during the week. I sat in my usual seat for church to begin. The kids started the service by singing their Sunday School song and signing with it. They went through all the fruits of the spirit. During the service, twin girls were baptized. One cried and the other didn't. After the service, I spoke with Cecelia, and then grabbed my SS stuff and darted out the side door. When I got home, Chris was waiting. I changed clothes, and ate a duck egg, then brought my sewing stuff out to his car. He drove us to Quilter's Combo. It was closed but there were women gathered in the back room to work on Project Linus quilts. They seemed very happy to have me there. Barbara brought copies of a new block for everyone to try. I picked out some bright fabrics to try. The block is made by sewing two contrasting blocks together and then cutting them up. I spent most of my time cutting blocks (target 40), and piecing some fabrics that weren't quite big enough. I stored them in pairs, print and solid. About 4 I packed up. Bertha seemed ready to go. I was encouraged to come back. Then we left. Bertha drove me home. Chris was waiting for me to call him for pick up, so was surprised to see me. I ate some kimchi, and then picked out a Thai restaurant to go to. However, it turned out to be closed on Sunday so we went to one we had been to before. It wasn't as authentic I guess, so I ordered sushi rolls. Chris got chicken. It was good, but nothing to blog about. When we got home, he checked his e-mail and I checked the basement for water since it was raining again. Water still there, but I am not sure if it was more than was there yesterday. I saw my project waiting on the table, so I started sewing. Chris came down to watch Bones, and I joined him. After 4 episodes, we went to bed.
* Another quilt at Paducah *

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