Saturday, May 18, 2013

Radish pods

I was supposed to teach a quilt class today, but when I suggested to the one person who was taking it that she come to my house instead of both of us going to UAH, she said she'd like to reschedule the date. So my day was free. Sort of. After my usual morning of e-mail and exercise and tapping, I ate breakfast. I made up 8 days worth of vitamins. I put together a Swansons order. Couldn't put that off any longer because I need it to be delivered this week. That seemed to take hours. Then I worked on the quilt, hoping to have it ready for church on Sunday. I got the last row and the borders sewn on. I took a break to mow part of the lawn. I ate one of the hamburgers Chris made, and some radish pods from the garden. Then I ironed the backing and taped it to the pingpong table. I found some batting that was just barely big enough. Well, except for the missing corner. I located a remnant that was the same fiber content and loft. I cut it to fit and whipstitched it in place. Then I stretched the top over the batting. I folded back the top and batting and sprayed the backing with quilt basting spray. I replaced the batting and sprayed it and the underside of the top. When it was all stuck together, I did a large running stitch around the edge to keep the layers from peeling apart. I left it there in the garage. I came up to read e-mail and listen to audios. I ate a piece of chicken. Chris played with the voices. We got to talk to Michele briefly when the game was over. We made the bed with freshly washed sheets. Then we watched 2 episodes of Bones before putting the sheets to use.

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