Wednesday, May 1, 2013

And Bob was there, too

While I was reading my e-mail, I came across another audio (more feng shui). Today's topic was relationships. I had done 2 of my bouts of exercise when I noticed men in the front yard. I ran to the bedroom to get dressed. It was Bob and his son-in-law. They were discussing how to stop rainwater from coming into the basement. When they left, they had moved one of the big OSB boards from leaning against the house to leaning against the fence. I ate breakfast, and then got out the mower. I removed several pounds of dessicated grass clippings from the bottom. I finished the front yard, and then the back yard. I plugged it back in while I raked under the magnolia tree. I mowed the part I raked. I put on a rubber glove to pull out the poison ivy I found in the backyard. I listened to another audio while eating lunch. I took my laptop to the sewing room. I had clipped a quilt pic from the Hancocks catalogue and wanted to try it. I spent considerable time choosing fabrics that would work with the design and use the color scheme of the color challenge for our group. I wasn't going to sketch it out on graph paper (not sporting), but I hate to waste fabric by cutting it wrong. Chris came home for supper. I took a shower, and went downstairs for graph paper. I spent a while drawing out several patterns. Now I need my EQ 4 program to see how the blocks will fit together. It is loaded on my desktop computer, which isn't working. Chris said if it isn't recoverable, he will spring for EQ 6. So tempting. I left early for choir practice, but discovered when I got there that next week is the week we come early. But it's ok. Since the choir year is almost over, practice let out early. In fact, I think this is the last Sunday for the men. Maybe I should sing tenor next year. When I got home, Chris was almost ready to watch TV. I started writing to my blog to get a head start.
* This is a pic of Eleanor Burns crowded shop at the Fairgrounds *

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