Friday, May 10, 2013

'Fruits' of indecision

It was almost 9 when I decided to get out of bed. I had woken earlier to the sound of heavy rain, but it slacked off by the time I got up. I checked the ditch from the dining room window. It was wet, but there was no water in it. I listened to audios and exercised before eating breakfast. It was still raining lightly at noon, but it quit in the early afternoon and the sun eventually came out. I spent most of the afternoon in the sewing room and garage, cutting border strips for the handprint quilt. Making the backing first allowed me to know how wide the borders could be and still fit. I ran through options for the two missing or blank blocks. I googled a word search program and entered all the fruits of the spirit and other words from the Sunday School song. It created a word search, but I had to play around with it to get one small enough to fit in a block. So now, do I want to embroider the letters on, or use a pen? And for the other block, I drew an outline of a hand and entered the fruits of the spirit in different arrangements. However, drawing on fabric is not nearly as easy as writing on paper, so I'll have to practice to see if I can pull it off. I gathered some wild lettuce and dandelion to make a salad for supper. At 6:30 I decided it was dry enough to mow. I finished the backyard and the part inside the fence. Then I started remowing the ditch to get the parts I missed. But the battery ran down before I finished. Earlier in the day I had put some quinoa in water to soak. Well, I thought it was quinoa, but it turned out to be flax seed, so I drained the water from the bowl, and spread the seeds on a paper towel. I spent the evening picking seeds from the paper towel. Some would not come off, so I put the towel in a zip-lock type bag with dryness packets from previous supplements. Maybe tomorrow they will come off easily.

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