Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Not a good day for eating

Last night after putting Mom to bed and writing my blog, I found her sitting in her wheelchair, hoping for a ride to the table to eat. It was after midnight. I fed her some coconut oil and put her back to bed. Then I went to bed, too, if I remember correctly. I woke up the next morning around 9 maybe? My watch is an hour behind. I found Dad in the bathroom getting Mom ready for the day. I took over so he could do other things. I wheeled her out to the den. He did not have her breakfast ready. And he wasn't working on breakfast. I fed her some coconut oil and liposomal Vit C. Breakfast still wasn't ready so I gave her some kimchi. All seemed to go well, but most if not all of it came back up later. Breakfast never did show up. I took her outside to have some fermented coconut milk and Ensure. She wasn't swallowing inside so I thought outside in the fresh air might be better. It wasn't. I got some time in the sun and tried to get her in the sun too. Last night Dad asked me to pick out some recipes in the Joel Furman book. So I did. He wrote down the ingredients. For some reason it took all morning to get it down on paper exactly what to buy and what form to buy it in. Then he left for the store. When I didn't notice any cars missing, I looked all over the house for him, thinking he had fallen asleep somewhere. No, he walked to the store. Earlier in the morning he called to schedule a colonoscopy and they gave him an 8am appointment, tomorrow. So he could not eat at all today. Plus he had to buy two magnesium drinks and start drinking at 3. Kevin showed up at 3 to clean and cook. Dad wasn't there so Kevin did not have the ingredients to cook with. When he did show up, he did not have much. So he drank his drink and went back to the store, but in a car in case nature called. I wheeled Mom to the front yard while I trimmed the bushes. Dad came home with more veggies the second time. Kevin had finished the cleaning. Dad gave him the veggies for Cruciferous Juice, except for the watercress and kale which he could not find. It calls for a juicer, but there isn't one here. So Kevin put it all in the food processor, then strained it and poured the juice in a jar. The pulp was in a bowl, and it was tasty. So was the juice. But Mom still could not swallow. And Dad was not allowed to eat. So I alone had supper. Kevin recommended the chicken, but Dad steered me toward the pork and sauerkraut. Kevin put rice on the stove to cook. He played his dulcimer for us and then went home. When the rice was finished, I put it in a jar. All day long I tried to feed Mom and didn't get more than a cup of yogurt to go down. This means she did not get her pills. However, somewhere around 10, 10:30 Dad decided she needed to eat. So he got a sub out of the fridge and started feeding it to her. After every bite he would look in her mouth to see if she had swallowed. It was a long and painstaking process. I took over so he could get ready for tomorrow. When she finished the sub (I couldn't believe it), she chugged a bottle of Ensure. He wanted her to take her pills, so we got out another bottle. But this time it went into her cup. He put a pill in her mouth and I pushed it back with a spoonful of liquid. It worked quite well and she finished that bottle too. Then I put her to bed while Dad doled out the pills for the rest of the week into containers. When I came out to write my blog, he reminded me of her nighttime splint. So I went back to put it on her. Then I went to bed, not looking forward to getting up early for Mom because Dad has to get up early for his colonoscopy appointment.
Yes, its Faye's party, but Kevin posed with her cake.

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