Monday, March 31, 2014

Weed salad

I got up soon after 7. I checked my e-mail and found a message from Chris. I weighed myself and discovered that I have gained. So I got the rebounder out again. I tried it in the computer room this time but the floor was too shaky. The hallway worked better, and maybe will prompt me to bounce during the day if I have to step on it to get back and forth. I chose not to put it in front of the bathroom for obvious reasons. I read more e-mail and did some tapping. I did my range of motion exercises. I have been noticing a mysterious coffee smell and I finally traced it to coffee grounds in the coffee maker. I threw it out. I made vegetable juice, and ran the Netflix packet out to the mailbox. I made and ate breakfast. I packed scraps into my travel sewing box. When I got to the church, I worked on those scraps, sewing and trimming them to 7.25 by 11.25 rectangles. Carolyn agreed to take me to the eye doctor tomorrow as long as there is no conflict in her schedule. I quit about 4 to come home, eat the rest of the beef, and view the garden. The spinach looks like grass, but some super tiny spinach-like leaves have just appeared. I considered mowing, but most of the lawn is not tall, just a certain unidentified weed. I was picking dandelion when Bob drove up to see about the mailbox. He asked when Chris was getting home so his vehicle wouldn't block the driveway. So I had to tell him that Chris was not coming home. After looking at the mailbox, he seemed to be in a talkative mood. When the dandelion wilted in my hand, I closed the conversation. I washed the greens to make a salad, adding items from the grocery store. I washed four sweet potatoes that were lying by the stove. I rubbed them with bacon fat, and baked them in the oven.  I opened the windows.  I listened to several audios while they baked. I ate my salad, some cheese, and a carrot. I wrote a check to put in the mail tomorrow. I called Charmaine about Thursday. I did some tapping, ate one of the potatoes, and wrote up my blog post for today. I intend to tap until bedtime (and practice my trombone after the windows are closed)
, and then retire with headphones and a brainwave entrainment CD.
*  This is a quilt that Lori is working on for Doris  *

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