Monday, August 25, 2014

AmEx and myofascial release

I got up with the alarm at 8. My back still hurt. I turned on the router, and vacuumed the fan ports on my laptop before booting it up. I deleted e-mail, and read comments from posting a new profile photo to Facebook. Thankfully they were all positive. I had forgotten that Facebook would make a point of telling everyone. I went to the desktop computer to see the comments on Facebook since the script blockers on my laptop make it difficult. XKCD was in an open window on the desktop so I got caught up in reading it. I read about the Heartbleed security problem and had to do an internet search to find out more. I tested my browsers to make sure they won't accept revoked certificates, which is some small measure of protection. Then I went back to reading XKCD pages. I exercised, and listened to an audio from the Crazy Courage series. I juiced and meditated. I made breakfast, and took some Aleve. I put the Netflix movie in the mail. I packed a lunch of seaweed and hummus. I grabbed my small sewing box and drove to church. The ladies ribbed me, probably because Joan was there, making up for lost time. Ha, ha. I worked on Barbara's quilt with Bertha. Around 3 I ate my lunch, and went home. My bandaid was falling off, so I threw it away. I no longer needed the pressure to stop the bleeding. I brought in the mail. I ate a thawed piece of fish. I laid out in the sun to reduce inflammation because my back still hurt. I looked up myofascial release on the internet and left a voicemail for the lady whose pamphlet I have. I called AmEx about Chris not being able to access the account online. I laid down to press on the point of pain as in the myofascial release videos. I read the latest e-mail while eating frozen blueberries. Then I was ready to go to Party City but noticed my fingers, lips and tongue were almost black. I scrubbed with the toothbrush, but could not get it all off. went shopping for condolence cards (the way this year is shaping up, I really need them). I came home, and read e-mail waiting for Chris. I opened a letter from Am Ex that said my e-mail didn't work. So I, got online to figure it out. That's when I got a call back from the myofascial lady. We talked and I made an appointment for tomorrow.  She bet me that she was crazier healthwise than I was. I took her bet.  Chris skyped me. His problem wasn't resolved, so I called AmEx while on Skype to facilitate his getting his problem fixed. Then he went to bed. I did a series of tapping videos to get relaxed for bed. Then I wrote this post and retired for the night.
*  This is the signature quilt that was given to the outgoing president at the guild meeting on Thursday.  *

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