Sunday, August 10, 2014

Bye, bye beach

I called Marianne last night and she said she would meet me at the airport on Tuesday. I set my phone alarm to ring at 7. I set the phone by the bed and went to sleep. I woke up before 6:30, hearing people walking around upstairs. I did my exercises, drank water, and took a Vit C packet. I stripped the kingsize bed and the queen that I slept on. I scanned my e-mail and then realized it was after 7 but I never heard the alarm go off. I gave Al my suitcase to pack in the car. I took my prepared breakfast upstairs to get a spoon. I ate it while talking to those around. Cecily was busy sorting and packing kitchen items. When I finished breakfast I moved the dining chairs to the tomato room. Cindi vacuumed the hallway by the kitchen and the dining area. She helped me put the chairs back. The vacuum went down to the first floor. I helped Cecily in the kitchen by cleaning. Others carried stuff downstairs and out the door. Bryan and Cindi hugged everyone before they got on the road. Then we bid goodbye to Kelly and finally James and Becca and their kids. I meant to get a group picture but forgot. The house was quiet. Cecily went to her room to take a bath. I started organizing stripped sheets so they could be easily counted. I vacuumed the rest of the living room and the tomato room. Cecily stopped me when she was out and dressed. Al said there was a cleaning lady waiting in her car in the driveway. So we left and closed the door. Then we were on our way. We stopped at a barbeque restaurant that I can't remember the name of. Cecily used to eat there when she worked. I got barbeque without a bun, and beets and baked beans. Then we resumed our trip. When we got to their house, Al unlocked the door and opened the garage. We all carried stuff in until the car was empty. Then I selected a book to read from a shelf in the yellow bedroom. It was called “The Lost City of Z”. I read until supper time. Al took us to Logan's Steakhouse. I wasn't that hungry so I ordered a skewer of mushrooms and a baked sweet potato. Of course they had a bucket of roasted peanuts on the table and I ate more than I intended. Cecily and Al shared a meal but still brought food home. I continued reading. Cecily turned on the food channel. I did my best to ignore it. Then she fell asleep. I took my laptop to the computer room to check e-mail. Al was watching 60 minutes, so I texted Chris on skype until the program was over. Then the three of us had a conversation. Chris' office building is getting a solar power array. After hanging up with him, I responded to Kurt on skype. Then I wrote my blog and went to bed. 
*  this is the tomato room.  I call it that because of the color and because Cecily kept her tomatoes on a table in the corner.  *

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