Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Myofascial release

I was not ready to get up when the alarm rang. So I let it ring and got up a few minutes later. I was having a dream, but can't remember it now. I swished, and got on the desktop so I could clear e-mail more quickly. I was almost done when it froze. So I went to laptop, and – surprise, surprise – it is now running the new version of Yahoo. I did not reboot or click on anything. When I was finished with the first round of e-mail, I exercised, and juiced. There wasn't time for meditation. I went to the Tuesday quilting. I talked with several people and came away with a magazine that was left behind. I stopped at the Asian store for kimbap and sprouts. I decided to stop at the bank on the way home, and the route took me past a new WalMart . How in the world did they build a whole WalMart while I wasn't looking?   I got cash at the bank. I came home ate the kimbap that I didn't eat on the way home. I laid in sun for 20 minutes. I read e-mail. William called to say that car cover I sent him for his birthday doesn't fit. I wrote to the company. I read about the Chinese remainder theorem, although I doubt I shall ever need to use it. I went to Ruth's Nutrition for a myofascial release session. I had to fill out a form somewhat like the one at a doctor's office.  The lovely lady there was my age. She started with myofascial release and did some massage. It hurt in places I did not expect to be sore, but felt better when I got up. She told me to use a tennis ball to work on the tendon that was causing problems for my finger. She gave me water to drink from Garden Cove. I will have to check that out, so I can bring my own next time. Then I went to the farmer's market. I was almost an hour late so I missed the spinach. But I got peppers, and some hydroponic lettuce. Cecelia was there, too. I talked to the wagyu man and he said he might have a beef tongue for me. Then I took my produce home and ate the last of the fish. I cleared more e-mail, then went outside with my tablet to listen to a meditation. Strangely it had trouble connecting with the internet, so I played 2048 until I heard the sound of downloading e-mail. I came in and had some sweet potato leaf stir-fry. I noticed that the carrot which I stuck in water this morning was actually showing signs of growth. I dislodged some more coconut from the shell and ate it without further injury. I arranged the items in my DOWNLOADS file into folders. Then I redistributed my picture files into monthly folders. Chris got online and I skyped with him. I called Dad for some addresses. He could not find his address book so he looked them up in an old file on his computer. I practiced my trombone briefly, then I got out my stack of condolence cards and prepared four of them. I uploaded pics from my camera, then sat to write this posting, hoping to go to bed before I think of anything else I should do tonight.

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