Monday, August 18, 2014

Sweet potato greens

I woke up to the alarm at 8. I remembered hearing booming thunder during the night. I looked out to see a wet world. I turned off the alarm, and picked up all the laundry I had folded last night while the bread was baking. (The bread had taken 20 minutes to bake and then looked like pancakes.) I put the laundry away. I heard the rain again and rushed to put out some collection tubs. I had thought of that in the middle of the night, but was too well snuggled in bed to get up then.
I read e-mail. I learned about Rallis olive oil and looked for a good price on it, but decided shipping made it too expensive. I juiced, and meditated while digesting it. Then I made and ate breakfast. I packed hummus and seaweed for lunch, along with a peach and a bottle of lemon water. When I got to the church, I noticed someone had parked in my usual spot. That's what I get for being gone for three weeks. I was warmly greeted when I entered the quilting room. I was catching up on all the latest, when Dad called. He wanted me to look up how to sell stock. Rebecca gave me a basket of veggies from her garden and mine. Doris asked me to embroider some quilt labels for her. I set up my machine and noticed a large spot on the big spool of thread. Debbie gave me a donation block packet with instructions and some gray background fabric. I made two donation blocks, thanks to Lauri and Dinah for the solid and print fabrics. I ironed blue blocks from a previous Linus project, but did not have what I needed to make more. Lauri and Alice were ready to go, so we all left at the same time. It was raining hard when I got home. I stood in the carport watching the ditch fill with water and flood the carport. I locked my stuff in car and ran for the house. I came back with an umbrella for my purse, the mail, etc. I checked e-mail, and called Wow. I think their one hand doesn't know what the other is doing. I tried to look up the answer to Dad's question but had to e-mail the company. I ordered a card for Chris, which also involved calling that company. I read that strips are due on Thursday and went looking for them because I thought I already cut them. But they were nowhere to be found. I thought about cooking sweet potato leaves, and then the rain stopped. I picked a bunch of leaves and some stems. I washed them, and cut the stems into small pieces. I put chunks of beef fat into a frying pan to melt, then in went the stems. I let them fry for awhile, then cut up the leaves. I decided to put in onions so I cut up an onion and cooked it down before adding the leaves. I then diced a red pepper and added it for color. I stirred, and stirred. When I tasted it, the onions were still not done, so I put a lid on to simmer. Dad called. I talked to hime while I ate some. It was not bad but I could do without the woody stems. I put the rest in a jar. All of a sudden I realized my left upper chest hurt like I had sprained the muscle. I didn't know where it had come from. I decided to take a rest and watch the Netflix movie that has been sitting here for 3 weeks. I took a cup of vinegar water to sip on while I watched. It was called “About a Boy” with Hugh Grant. It had the makings of a good movie, but parts of it were too unbelievable. When I turned it off, I could hear the rain falling heavily. I came up and opened the front door. There sat a box, completely dry. I brought it in, then went out to sit on the front step and experience the rain. It was lovely. When I came in, I saw a skype message from Chris. He had tried to get me, and gave up and went to bed. I got a package of frozen peas from the fridge and placed them on the sore muscle. I tapped with an audio in my e-mail. I looked up fall garden plants, and made a list. Then I wrote my blog, and went to bed.

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