Tuesday, December 23, 2014

If i had my glasses, I could find them.

I got up at 8, and started swishing. When that was finished, I called Parker but there was no answer. Dad talked to me about patching his shirt. I searched and found the to-do list. Dad and I discussed several items. I scanned his July PSA and the Medicare response. We were going to e-mail them to his doctor, but when I called the office, they said they had fax but no e-mail. I wrote on a sticky note to attach to the sheets so we can submit them in person. We cancelled his PSA appt. I exercised, and made breakfast. Kurt and I watched a Youtube video to see how badly the CC messed up. Kurt had to go pick up his car, so I finished breakfast and got dressed. We found a Swansons package on the porch. The three of us drove to the auto shop. The mechanic had seen Mom's death notice in the paper and remarked on it. He offered us the paper and we gratefully accepted. Dad paid the bill as Kurt's present. Kurt went to the Vitamin Shoppe while I drove Dad home. I was going to fix Dad's shirt while he and Kurt took a walk, but he wanted to wear it with his other two shirts and his coat. So I indicated that I would do the shredding while he was gone. He said some of what was in the shredding bag wasn't actually for shredding. Ga!!!! I read e-mail. I listened to a tapping audio. It ended as Dad and Kurt returned from their walk. Then I practiced Dad's trombone. It was turning green on the bell and the slide was rough. Kurt used his music app for a metronome. After practicing, I found some slide cream to apply. Not sure it helped much. Then I sat down to watch another tapping video. Kevin arrived. He started cooking. I had some of Floyd's soup for lunch, as well as a banana with organic cream cheese. Then I basted and handsewed two patches on Dad's shirt. I read e-mail while Dad ate. Then I drove him to Dress Barn to get a gift certificate. When we got back, Kevin was cleaning. Kurt went to pick up Patrick so they and Faye and Kevin could meet at Pizza Hut for supper. Dad walked to the mall, while Chris skyped me.  We talked about what to do when I go visit him in Honduras.  I hardboiled four eggs and ate one. After I hung up with Chris, I cut up three onions and boiled them in a pot. I added salt. When Dad came home, he had groceries, including brown rice. So I made a pot of rice, too. The recipe on the back called for butter. So when I put butter in the rice, I put some in the onion soup, too. I cut up some cheddar cheese to melt on top of the soup. When the onions were cooked, I threw in some eggs for protein. Then I put the soup in other containers so the pot could go in the dishwasher. Dad asked me to cut some pills in half. I could not find my close-up glasses so I asked Kurt to do it while I worked on my blog. I helped Dad find his denture case, then went back to my blog. It was difficult with the TV on. I planned to go to bed when I finished.
*  Since I did not take any pics today, here is what I packed for my trip.  *

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