Friday, December 19, 2014

Lunch on a cold day

When I got up, I was surprised to find it was after 8 and I never heard the alarm. I swished and read e-mail. I exercised, juiced, and showered. Two Jehovah Witnesses got me out of the shower by ringing the doorbell. They could tell by the towel I was wearing that this was not the time and they left. I got dressed, and looked up the restaurant menu online. I decided to order the lamb. I was going to clean the juicer, but Faye skyped me. Then I put on my coat and walked to Chris' car. The thought that the front door wasn't locked came to me and I walked up the sidewalk to check. It wasn't, and I could see the JW ladies visiting a neighbor across the street. I drove to post. I stood in full view of the parking lot to wait for Mr. Connolly. He and his wife came by to pick me up, and we went to Bridgestreet. We met Mr. McCord and his wife at Connors. We ordered and talked. I left for a moment to go to the bathroom. Rowena sympathized with me on having to drive stickshift. Then the conversation turned to travel and kids. After we had our fill of food and chat, we put on our coats to leave. Outside we ran into someone from work. It was freezing outside but the men seemed not to notice. On the way back to the car, we met Santa. So Mr. Connolly took a pic of his wife and me standing with Santa. I think Santa enjoyed the extra body heat. He had a beautiful costume, but I doubt he was warm enough. Then they dropped me off in the commissary parking lot. I drove myself home. I had some sweet potato casserole as dessert and took my supplements. I checked e-mail, and saw a message from Dad on my phone. It must have rung while I was in the bathroom at the restaurant. I called him back. I researched cinnamon oil and placed a Swansons order and cleaned the juicer. Walter came by to pick up his pants and gave me a $10 bill. I practiced my trombone. I cleaned the bathroom. I was listening to an audio when Darren came by to change the lightbulb over the stairs. I asked him about the outlet in the basement bathroom. He fixed that one with some new screws. After he left, I put a hold on the mail for my trip. I opened the present under the tree. I thought it was fabric and I was right – a set of sheets. I got out the suitcase from the garage with every intention of packing it. I took two baskets of laundry down to the basement and put one in the washer. I watched videos on gardening as a subversive activity. I changed loads of laundry. I watched the Smarter in 7 minutes video. I haven't seen it in three weeks because it was on my laptop. I read and cleared more e-mail. I tapped on all the balls I am trying to juggle and dropping. I pulled out the dry clothes and put in wet clothes. I ironed the one piece of fabric. I went upstairs to find out that Chris had called and gone to bed. While waiting for the second load to dry, I tapped a little more, and wrote up my blog notes for the day. 
*  This lady is showing the mat she is crocheting with plastic bags for the homeless  *  

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