Monday, December 22, 2014

Working on Dad's to-do list

My phone alarm rang at 8 EST. I did not tell it I changed time zones, but somehow it knew. I got up to exercise and swish. Then I called Parker. She told me she have more info later today. I sewed a button on Dad's shirt. I read e-mail. Dad gave me his bills and I wrote the 4 checks and readied the envelopes so all he would have to do it sign the checks. I encouraged him to print out the to-do list he had made. But it was at the end of a very large file. I tried to select and print, but his software would not allow it. So I copy/pasted it to its own file, printed it and then closed the file without saving it. I made and ate breakfast. Dad wanted to put a death notice in the newspaper for Mom. I already had the instructions on my computer. So I wrote an e-mail with all the info they asked for. I found a photo of Mom on my laptop that I could crop to just a head shot. I typed in the obituary and saved it as a .doc file. I attached both to the e-mail. Then we called the paper. They said to send the e-mail and then they would send a reply with a mock-up and the price. In less than half an hour, it was here. We checked it over and called them back to pay the cost. They said it would run tomorrow. Then Dad and I bundled up warmly to take a two mile walk in the rain. When we got back, we considered walking to Fresh Market, but it was not a safe walk in the weather. Then Kurt arrived. He told us about how the power steering in his car went out earlier today. And how he wanted to buy another car. Then Faye arrived. Then Chris was on Skype, so we all got to say hello to him. After Faye left, Kurt put his spare car keys in an envelop and drove to a mechanic shop to drop it off. Dad followed him and brought him back. I stayed home to talk to Chris. He made flight plans for me to visit him in Honduras. Sadly, the voucher I was given yesterday was not applicable. I hung up with Chris when the men came home. Kurt said he needed to go back in the morning and straighten things out. Then Dad and I went to Martins for organic foods and a few things for Kurt. Dad did not have the bags from his last grocery trip with him, so we got new ones. When we got home, we put the food away. I talked to Kurt who was perusing Craig's list for a used car. Then it was really late, so I posted to my blog and went to bed.
*  I did not take any pics today so here is a 'before' pic of my luggage. *

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