Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Not quite laptop

As soon as I woke up, I reached for my phone and called Parker. There was no answer and I left a message. I got up to start the day. I looked for my detox sheet, but could not find it anywhere. I thought of printing another one, but the original is on my laptop. And it's got Mike and Howard's phone numbers which I hadn't put in my phone yet. I put on some Christmas music. I squeezed a lemon into a glass of water and drank it. I swished and read by my HappyLight. It doesn't seem to be doing its job. I searched again. I found other things that needed to be moved. I looked downstairs. Finally I found it underneath another piece of paper. I entered the numbers into my phone. That took longer than it should have. I got out my bifocals, but they wouldn't stay on. So I got the tiny screwdriver set and tighten the screws. Then I was able to read the numbers. I started exercising, took notes for my blog and the Christmas music ran out. I completed the detox, enjoying the jolt of caffeine. Then I made two batches of juice to make up for missing yesterday. I expected to make it to the gym early. Chris called, worried about the emotional state I was in last night. I finished juicing and while I was cleaning, Parker called. She promised to call tomorrow, both before and after seeing if the house was in proper shape. I called Datac to see if my laptop was ready. He said the new fan was in and was working. He had it 99% together. So I said I'd be by to pick it up after going to the gym. I packed my bag and water bottles. I put on my suit under my clothes. I drove to the gym. I was alone at first, but then a Korean woman came in. I spoke some Korean to her and we had a nice conversation. After an hour and a half, and taking a shower, I went to Datac. The laptop was ready but when he booted it up, it did not make any sounds. So I had to leave it. Maybe I should have stayed to watch. I came home to hang up my wet stuff to dry. I made breakfast and had some supper, too. I checked e-mail, and listened to audios. I tried to call Walter to get his pants to him, but there was no answer, so I left a message. I read more e-mail, and made a donation to Heifer as Dad's present. I looked up 'port scan attacks' because I keep getting them. Did I get them before but there was no notification? I played Mahjong, and practiced my trombone. I watched an episode of Lone Gunmen while picking lint off of a black pair of pants. I swear there was more lint on the pants than on the scarf it all came from. When I came up, Chris had just gotten on Skype. We talked for a little while, but then the connection broke and we could not get it back. So he went to bed. And I alone am left to blog.
*  Beverly's lovely stack-n-whack from yesterday  *

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