Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Still no laptop

I got up before the alarm went off to call Parker. Not only did she not answer, but her phone would not take a message. I went back to bed briefly until the alarm rang. The day was overcast, so I sat with my Happylight and read. Then I swished as I read e-mail. The doorbell rang and a man handed me a package. I have forgotten what was in it. Then I exercised and juiced. I got dressed and drove to the church on Jordan. Jane showed me the two projects they will be doing next year. I signed up for the pieced one (Three Shades of ...) and took a handout. I probably won't make the whole thing because it is 95x95 and uses 8.5 yards of background fabric.  That is pretty incredible since it wouldn't take that much to make the backing. I walked out talking to Beverly. My dad called to ask for my flight information. I did not have it with me. I stopped by the Asian store for kimbap and sprouts. Then on to the computer store, where the saleslady told me that my fan arrived yesterday and the tech's harddrive failed today and my laptop might be fixed by tomorrow morning. When I got home, I looked up my flight info and called Dad. I asked if he had a trombone I could practice while I am there, and he did. Then I went outside to rake and pull up dead flower stalks. I moved a piece of ceiling board to the side of the house where I intend to use it once the area is fully dried out. The rest of the construction leftovers I put in the carport to keep dry. I brought in the mail. I answered e-mail, and read some e-mail. I listened to an audio interview of an expert electrician on electrical fields of cell phones, wi-fi, and smart meters. You could tell he was miffed at being dismissed by gov't and industry professionals for reporting the facts about these fields on human health. Ignoring the rest of my e-mail, I went into the garage to do some more decluttering. The birds were in there and chittering at me for disturbing their space. I threatened to nail screening over their nest in the insulation if they didn't stop. I threw out some stuff that was broken. I rearranged other stuff. I tried to find a way to make a quilt frame out of PVC that would be about 9 inches by 40+. Not sure how close I came but I can try again tomorrow. I ripped apart an old round table skirt that someone was going to throw out. As I was ironing it, I heard scratching from the nearby duct work. There is a small sliding door into the duct area and I opened it. The scratching stopped for awhile, then started a little further away. I wished my mom was here so I could ask her how to get rid of mice. Her answer probably would have been cats. Not wanting the commitment of a cat, I seemed to remember someone recommending used kitty litter. I tried to think of someone local who would have some. I am sure MaryAnn has plenty, but the post office wouldn't want to deliver it. I put some lemon mash in a lid and placed it inside the door. That seemed to work in the attic. I cleaned out some boxes of scraps and consolidated them. I brought in my sewing machine from Chris' car so it wouldn't freeze. I looked up the weather to make sure there was no rain forecast for tonight or tomorrow. I came up to make breakfast and ate it in front of the computer. Chris had already sent me his skype message announcing that he was ready if I was. We skyped for over an hour, talking about the stuff the movers put on their list for the estimate and what they did not put on the list. Then he went to bed (I assume) and I got caught up in checked repins on Pinterest. It tells me when other people pin one of my pics to their page. Sometimes my name accompanies the pic, and sometimes it doesn't, which makes it look like it was their picture or project. So I tried to find those and add a comment that it was from my Pinterest site. I got sidetracked and found myself reading a post called “28 ways to fix what your kids did”. One of them talked about ways to repair a scratched CD. Fascinating stuff. And then I posted to my blog and hopefully went to bed. 
*  This is the next Renegades project  * 

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