Saturday, December 6, 2014

There's no time like this present

I heard the alarm but stayed in bed after staying up so late last night watching that stupid movie. One of its reviews said it left the viewer guessing. Well, it left me guessing why I bothered to watch it. There are no answers at the end of the film. Half an hour later I got up to check e-mail and then call JenQ to see if I should run the border strips down to the church. But she said she had something else she could use. So I read some e-mail, then put the Netflix movie in the mail. I took the angel box into the basement to find wrapping paper for it. I found a lot of used wrapping paper that was saved. But none with useable parts big enough for the box. I found some unused at the bottom of a roll. Apparently I wrap multiple papers on each roll to save space. I used my large square ruler to precisely cut a rectangle the right size. Then I laid the box on the paper and oriented it just right to that the edges of paper lined up when I covered the box. I had to decide what to do with the gift card. I ended up putting it inside the box just before I wrapped it. I put it on the stairs and cleaned up the mess of papers and tape. Then I started juicing the leftover vegetables. The doorbell rang, signifying that the mailman had brought me packages. The smaller one was a watch and it had a gift message from Chris. That made me cry but I don't know why. The larger one was a cutting mat from my in-laws. I finished juicing, drinking and cleaning up. Then I got on the computer to thank them and cross those items off of my Amazon wish list. I listened to a meditation audio, the last one for the week. Then I made breakfast, and delved into Donnie Darko and read a whole bunch of stuff about it that I swear wasn't in the movie. My mother In law wrote back that she did not send mat so I went back to the box to look and it was from Chris. I went outside to do yardwork and get fresh air but it was too wet. Denise called to find out the latest on our house in Pinehurst. I set out a piece of fish to thaw. I stacked the dishwasher and put soap in it. I gathered the laundry and put it in the machine. I repaired the Princess of Power sleeping bag. I did some sorting of scraps, then made border strips and sewed them together. I was sewing them on the red and blue quilt when the washer finished. I put the laundry in the dryer then went up to start the dishwasher. I ate the fish while listening to an audio interview on intuitives. I worked some puzzles on the Jackie Lawson advent calendar site. I looked around the house for cylindrical items that might work as rollers for a homemade quilt frame like the one John Flynn uses. I found a roll of netting, also that I could load two balls of crochet cotton on a narrow pole of PVC. I finished the laundry, picked off the lint, mended and folded. I vacuumed the lint trap. I finished sewing the border for the Linus quilt. I searched for all my Christmas CD's, loaded them all in CD changer, and set it to play all. I looked in the computer room for more Christmas CD's, but only found classical ones. I watched a video on relationships. I cut a strip of red jersey, and some small pieces of red and white scraps. I checked for Chris on skype and left him a message. I ate a few spoonsful of the sweet potato casserole. It needs more cranberries, which I can buy tomorrow. I looked at a Pinterest site that was supposed to be Christmas items, but further down it was quilts, and most of mine were in there. Hmm. Chris returned my skype call, then went back to bed. I found myself unable to stop looking at quilt pics. But I need to go to bed so I can get up early to see the kids Christmas program at church.

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