Thursday, June 11, 2015

And away it goes

I got up soon after 8 to start my morning routine. In addition, I took out the recyclables, and showered. I juiced and then we went to a restaurant near Madison for a going-away party for Chris. After we all ordered, but before the food arrived, Chris' boss presented him with an honorary civilian award and certificates and a picture signed by most of his coworkers. Then Chris thanked every one, and we all had lunch. Several of them said I should let them know if I needed anything. Then when they'd all left, we went home. I drove Chris' car to quilting. I trimmed some blocks and put them in stacks of ten, while conversing with the group. Betty left blackberries in the freezer for anyone who wanted some. I packed up and took two packages since so few people were left. I drove home, and Chris had the boxed mattress out by my car. We pushed the back seats forward, and tried to get it in the back. It hung out. I called and then e-mailed the lady who was having the yardsale on behalf of the youth to see if she wanted it. I made breakfast while waiting for her reply. She said they'd try to sell it. I made notes for my blog while eating breakfast. Then we packed stuff on top of the mattress, including the foot locker, which we filled with games, puzzles and paints. We went through a tall box in the garage and found a bow and some lawn darts, and a jig saw. We packed my car full, tied the hatch down, and drove it to Heather's house. She and her husband welcomed us and helped us unload the car. We talked for a bit. She told us that a lady she knows who had a quilt shop will be selling off her fabric in two weeks. Oh, the temptation! We came home and Chris started supper. I started making a list of things we did not need. Then I started pulling things out and piling them in a corner of the garage. It felt pretty good. Speakers, DVD player, lamps with shades, baskets and foliage, puzzles and games, pictures. I did not want to quit, but Chris said supper was ready. He helped me carry two boxes to the garage and then we ate: brussels sprouts and catfish. After supper, Chris returned a battery charger to the neighbor next door. We loaded both of our cars. We drove over to Heather's house, but she wasn't there. I called, left a message, then sat in my car to wait. She called back and said it was ok to just leave the stuff by the garage. So we did. I took pictures so I could remember later what I gave away. Then I went home. I watered the plants and Chris arrived. We went downstairs to watch several episodes of X-Files. He asked me if I wanted to watch more episodes tomorrow night or the movie. I started to cry because it will be our last night before he goes to Korea. We came upstairs to read e-mail. I was going to just blog but felt the compulsion to do a few number puzzles to calm down. I drank a glass of water (hydration seems to help with emotional control). Then I wrote to my blog.

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