Friday, June 19, 2015

A productive day

I had a dream that Ashley was getting married this weekend and we were invited to the reception. All they were serving was salad. When I heard the alarm, I got up to turn it off. The house was warm but not so humid as last night after I turned the AC off and put the fan on. Later I turned the AC on again. I printed out the forms that the lawyer wanted notarized. I read them and e-mailed him questions. I checked some e-mail. I worked on my star: sewing extensions on to the seam allowances so I could better glue them down. I cleaned the juicer which I forgot to clean yesterday. I exercised. As my questions were answered, I found more questions about the documents. So I called the lawyer just to make sure it was all exactly as he needed it. Then I got dressed, and wrote his address on a piece of paper. I put all the documents in a folder and drove to the bank. An ambulance was coming up from the rear and I could not get off the road, but then it turned at the hospital. When I got to the bank, there was no line. The teller said she could notarize the documents. So I showed them to her. She had never notarized a PoA before so there was some question about that with another bank agent. In the end she signed them and I took out some cash for the farmer's market next week. Then I drove to the post office. I was confused by the mailing options and which mailer to get and which forms to get with it. Chris wanted it certified, signature required. So I got what I thought was right and stood in line. When I got to the desk, he had questions for me. The Priority Express mailer would get it there by Monday but so would the regular Priority, only it wasn't guaranteed. And the forms were different. It was confusing. What would Chris do? I chose the Express just to be sure. After mailing the packet, I came home. I checked my cars owner's manual because the engine temp seemed high. But the manual said it was in range. I noticed a faint beeeeeeeeep that went on and off from the back of the car. I got out and locked it. The beeeeeeeeeeping continued. Nothing I could do. I saw that my plants were wilted. So I changed my clothes and watered them. I came in to juice and take blog notes. After juicing, I used the desktop computer to listen to a meditation. Then I had to reboot the laptop. i made breakfast. I worked on tomorrow’s puzzle while the laptop rebooted and requested updates. I saw Parker had sent us an amended copy of the purchase agreement where the ‘allowances’ were detracted from the selling price because the bank did not want to give cash to the buyers at closing. I worked on the star, regluing and listened to audios. I went through old papers, sorting them into piles to be recycled or shredded. Then Chris skyped me. He said he was living right beside where the fireworks would be set off. He showed me around the duplex - I was looking for all the spaces I could put fabric. After the call, I did some clearing of clutter. I shredded a pile of papers. I covered some of the AC grates because they were too rusted to close, and I wanted to force the cold air to the other end of the house. I watered on the way to the car to get something, but it was locked. I came in to click the unlock button. I walked out to my car and just as I got there, it locked itself - as if someone inside had clicked the lock icon. I went back to unlock it again, and again when I got close, it locked itself. So the third time I brought the key with me and it stayed unlocked. I concluded that it must be a theft prevention feature. I washed and oiled sweet potatoes and put them in the oven. I had to throw out the other root vegetable that went moldy since Sunday. I finished the soda bottle seed starter. I put flower seeds in it. I picked greens from the back yard and made a salad. I watched some videos and did some tapping. I put all the goat milk into a gallon jar and washed the two half gallon jars to return to the farmer’s market on Tuesday. I spent the rest of the evening clearing more unread e-mail. After being over 200, it is now under 100, and that feels good. Now it is time to go to bed and I have selected a meditation for teeth-clenching to relax to.

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